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Edited Patterns (6 of 11).jpg
Edited Patterns (10 of 11).jpg

I chose this photo because I like how the lines of the sidewalk lead up towards the top of the photo. The edits I did to this photo were: adjusting the exposure (lighter) and some light editing to the darks. I also made it a bit more clear.

I chose this photo because I like the patterns on the floor. I think it is nice to look at and has a nice balance of white and black.

The edits I did to this photo were: to make the whites more light and the blacks more dark, increase the exposure and minor adjustments to clarity.

I chose this photo because I like the pattern on the stool. I also like the angle I shot the photo at. It makes the stool look a bit bigger and closer.

The edits i did to this photo were:

whits balance, minor exposure increase, clarity increase, and some adjustments to shadow.

Edited Patterns (2 of 11).jpg
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